How to choose semiconductor ultrapure water equipment?

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18 Jul 2024

Working principle, application field and purchase points of semiconductor ultrapure water equipment

Semiconductor ultrapure water equipment is a high-purity water equipment used in the manufacture of semiconductors, flat panel displays, optoelectronic devices and other microelectronic fields.

This article will introduce the working principle, application field and purchase points of semiconductor ultrapure water equipment
A. Working principle of semiconductor ultrapure water equipment

Semiconductor ultrapure water equipment removes impurities from tap water through a multi-stage purification process, and finally meets the requirements of ultrapure water.
Its main purification processes include reverse osmosis, ion exchange, ultrafiltration, ozone oxidation, etc.

1.Reverse osmosis: Reverse osmosis is a method of filtering water through a semipermeable membrane using high pressure, which can remove most inorganic salts, organic matter and other impurities in water.

2.Ion exchange: Ion exchange is a method of using anion exchange resin and cation exchange resin to adsorb ions in water, which can remove ions and microorganisms in water.

3.Ultrafiltration: Ultrafiltration is a method of filtering water through a filter using a pressure difference that exceeds the pressure difference, which can remove large molecular organic matter and microorganisms in water.

4.Ozone oxidation: Ozone oxidation is a method of using ozone to oxidize and decompose organic matter in water, which can remove organic matter and microorganisms in water.                                                           

                                                                                B. Application fields of semiconductor ultrapure water equipment

Semiconductor ultrapure water equipment is mainly used in the manufacture of semiconductors, flat panel displays, optoelectronic devices and other microelectronic fields. Its application areas are as follows:

1. Semiconductor manufacturing: Ultrapure water is required in the semiconductor manufacturing process to ensure chip quality and performance.

2Flat panel display manufacturing: Flat panel display manufacturing requires ultrapure water for cleaning and processing to ensure the quality and performance of the display.

3. Optoelectronic device manufacturing: Optoelectronic device manufacturing requires ultrapure water for cleaning and processing to ensure the quality and performance of the device.

4. Biomedicine: In the field of biomedicine, semiconductor ultrapure water equipment can also be used for protein purification, cell culture and other aspects.

      C. Key points for purchasing semiconductor ultrapure water equipment

When purchasing semiconductor ultrapure water equipment, you should pay attention to the following points:

1.Purity requirements: The purity requirements for ultrapure water are very high, and the corresponding purity requirements need to be selected according to actual needs.

2.Equipment stability: Semiconductor ultrapure water equipment needs to operate stably for a long time, so the stability of the equipment is very important. High-quality equipment should be selected to avoid frequent failures and repairs.

3.Maintenance cost: Semiconductor ultrapure water equipment requires regular maintenance and maintenance, so the maintenance cost of the equipment needs to be considered, such as replacing filter elements, resins, electrodes, etc.

4.Equipment safety: Semiconductor ultrapure water equipment needs to treat water quality, so attention should be paid to the safety of the equipment, such as preventing water pollution, leakage and other problems.

5.Automation degree: The automation degree of semiconductor ultrapure water equipment is also very important, which can reduce manual operation and improve production efficiency.

6.Equipment brand: Semiconductor ultrapure water equipment is a long-term investment, so the choice of equipment brand is also very important, and experienced and reputable brands should be selected.

In summary, semiconductor ultrapure water equipment is an important high-purity water equipment that can be widely used in microelectronics fields such as semiconductors, flat panel displays, optoelectronic devices, and even in the biomedical field.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to key points such as purity requirements, equipment stability, maintenance costs, equipment safety, degree of automation, and equipment brand to ensure the effective operation of the equipment and the stability of water quality.


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